We are proudly Malaysians!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 // 0 comments

First of all, Assalamualaikum to all reader and sorry if my English is very broke. Hahaha, Okay... thanks to Allah. Our Harimau Muda Team has won in SEA GAME 2011 last night. We had finally killed Garuda Indonesians bitches. Hahaha. Okay, serious... W had won with penalty kicks 4-3 by last scorer Baddrol. Last night, a history has been made. HISTORY GUYS! HISTORY! Special thanks to Khairul Fahmi, he's so confident last night. Back to Twitter, tweepies in Twitter were very awesome last night, they bang bang bang the Timeline was so freaking fast! Hahaha. Love you guys! Twitter kids are awesome! And oh I forgot, two people was killed at Stadium Bung Karno last night. Al-Fatihah..